Planning removal of silicone from
INTEGRA Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix
1. Estimate the size of the epidermal

2. Determine if the expanded graft will cover the INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix. If not, then
staged or delayed epidermal grafting is necessary
- Do not remove silicone and expose
more tissue than expanded epidermal graft will cover

- If staged grafting is necessary,
the silicone layer may be left in place for extended
or until donor sites are ready for re-harvesting
Silicone Removal

- If edges of INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix are loose before
full healing has occurred, the silicone can be trimmed
away from the loose areas until the entire wound has

- Remove the silicone layer of the INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix when the tissue underneath
is healed, typically 14 to 28 days. The Matrix may be
loose in spots.
- With forceps peel back the silicone
carefully from the edges. Separate with spatula or blunt
instrument if necessary. The silicone layer will peel
off healed tissue relatively easily.
- Difficult removal may indicate the
tissue is not completely developed
Caution: If bleeding occurs,
or if patient complains of excessive pain, stop and wait
1 to 2 additional days. Forced removal may result in wound