Hematoma is defined as a localized mass
of accumulated blood under the dressings that may lead
to non-take and/or infection. The formation of small hematomas
is one of the more common complications encountered.
Hematomas usually develop in the first
48 hours. Hematomas need to be removed and any bleeding/drainage
must be stopped to allow cellular ingrowth into the matrix.
- If hematoma is still in fluid state:
evacuate hematoma by inserting an 18-20 gauge hollow
point needle with syringe under surface of INTEGRA
Matrix Wound Dressing and aspirate fluid

- If hematoma is no longer in fluid
state: incise INTEGRA Matrix
Wound Dressing with a #15 blade, then evacuate
clot using a gentle rolling motion with a sponge or
tongue blade

- Control drainage/bleeding by irrigating
with diluted epinepherine and reapplying INTEGRA
Matrix Wound Dressing

- For a large, persistent hematoma:
control drainage/bleeding and achieve hemostasis by
irrigating with epinepherine, electrocautery or suturing
and reattaching INTEGRA
Matrix Wound Dressing and/or INTEGRA Bilayer Matrix
Wound Dressing