Complete Removal of
Non-Viable Tissue |

A 55-year old female with diabetes and end stage renal
disease presented with infection under the first metatarsal
head. Patient had a typical diabetic neuropathic ulceration
spreading down the arch. Initial wide debridement was
performed 6 weeks prior to the image above, which shows
formed granulation tissue being excised with electrocautery.
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This video demonstrates the processing
of excising affected tissue |
- Assess the depth of the wound

- Prepare wound bed using standard
methods to ensure wound is free of debris and necrotic
tissue. Regardless of how well the wound has been prepared
and how healthy it looks, INTEGRA
Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing must not be placed
on an existing wound surface. The entire existing wound
must be completely excised or surgically debrided to
ensure the wound bed and edges contain viable tissue.
Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing will not "take"
to non-viable tissue