- Pre-Operative routines should follow
surgical center protocol. This may include the use of
systematic broad spectrum targeted antibiotics.

- Pre-Operative control of contamination
may include the use of topical agents such as silver
impregnated dressings

- Preparation of the site to be excised
should follow normal surgical center protocol. This
may include the use of povidone iodine or chlorhexidine

Additional Supplies
In addition to standard
supplies, the following should be available:
- Extra back table to hold a
rinse basin, and sterile saline solution for rinsing
the INTEGRA Bilayer Matrix
Wound Dressing
- Excisional devices (i.e.,
scalpel, Versajet Hydrosurgery system, Curettes,
- Extra electrocautery instrumentation
(e.g., bovie, double plug, bipolar) for pin-point coagulation

- Antimicrobial agents/dressings
(e.g., Acticoat silver impregnated dressing, Sulfamylon®
Solution 5%, silver nitrate solution 0.5%, AQUACEL®
Ag Hydrofiber® Dressing, Silverlon® dressing)

Compression dressings/wraps

- Splints and braces
Acticoat and Versajet are registered trademarks of Smith
& Nephew, Inc.
AQUCAEL Ag is a registered trademark of ER Squibb &
Sons, LLC.
Silverlon is a registered trademark of Argentum Medical
Sulfamylon is a registered trademark of Mylan Bertek Pharmaceuticals,