Beginning post-operative day 1 (POD 1), and extending
to POD 14 to 28 or longer, the appearance of the INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix will vary. The rate
and progression of the color change depends on the patient
and rate of healing.
Generally, the color will change through a progression
from red to pink to orange/peach to vanilla.
The site must be inspected for darkened areas or white/gray
areas which may result from complications (see Complications
and Interventions for more info on how to recognize and

silicone layer of the INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix is typically
ready for removal around POD 21 but may take longer. Signs
- Site blanches to the touch and returns to an
orange/peachy or vanilla color upon release of light
finger pressure

- Silicone of INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix wrinkles and
may begin to detach from the site. Granulation tissue
(deep red color and granular surface that bleeds easily)
has formed at seam lines.