Premature Silicone
Separation |

The silicone layer can be left in place
for extended periods without detrimental affects to the
underlying wound. Premature separation of the silicone
is not a problem if it stays in contact with the healing
Early Silicone Separation POD 1-9
- Inspect wound for signs of shearing,
fluid collection, hematoma, or infection. Detect loose
of INTEGRA Meshed Bilayer
Wound Matrix by using your finger to slide loose

- Remove the source of the separation
and re-attach

- If the INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix takes, then cover
the exposed tissue with temporary covers, or epidermal
autograft to prevent desiccation
Late Silicone Separation POD 10 or higher
- Remove source of non-adherence. Remove
silicone if unable to re-secure.

Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix does not take, remove
and replace with new INTEGRA
Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix and/or other suitable

Meshed Bilayer Wound Matrix takes, then cover
the exposed tissue with temporary covers, or epidermal
autograft to prevent desiccation