Harvesting the Thin
Epidermal Graft |
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This video demonstrates the technique
of harvesting a thin epidermal graft. |
- Prepare donor site by infusion with
saline to facilitate harvesting
- Harvest a thin epidermal graft 0.004-0.006 inches (0.1016 - 0.1524 millimeters)
- Grafts thinner than 0.004 inches
may result in incomplete "take" as few live
epidermal cells are transferred
- Grafts thicker than 0.008 inches
are more likely to leave a residual meshed appearance.
Grafts may be meshed and expanded up to 5:1.

- Ensure adequate coverage with large
- Less severe donor site which heals
faster and can be harvested more frequently
- Minimal scarring of donor site
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