Estimating the Number
and Size of Sheets |

Estimate the number of sheets of INTEGRA® Template you
will need available in the OR using
the following guidelines. Due to difficulties in estimating
surface area and losses due to trimming,
it is often advisable to allow for an additional 10%.
Approximate surface area per sheet
of INTEGRA® Template
4 x 5 inches = 125 sq. cm.
4 x 10 inches = 250 sq. cm.
8 x 10 inches = 500 sq. cm.
Estimated number of INTEGRA® Template sheets
needed per adult anatomy
Face = 1-2, 8 x 10s
Neck = 2-3, 4 x 10s
Anterior trunk = 4, 8 x 10s; 1-3, 4 x 10s
Posterior trunk = 4-5, 8 x 10s; 1-3, 4 x 10s
Upper extremities = 3-4, 8 x 10s; 1-4, 4 x 10s
Buttocks = 2-4, 8 x 10s
Lower extremities = 4-8, 8 x 10s; 1-6, 4 x 10s
Hands/feet = 1-3, 4 x 10s; 1-3, 4 x 5s