Dressing the INTEGRA® Template in the
Build dressings in layers. Each layer
has an important function:
- Fixation Layer - Elastic net dressing
for intimate contact. This will help minimize shearing
of the INTEGRA® Template from the bed and/or hematoma formation

- Antimicrobial Layer - Acticoat*,
Silver Nitrate 0.5% or Sulfamylon Solution 5% soaks
to prevent infection

- Bulky Dressing Layer - Bulky gauze for protection
and antimicrobial retention

- Compression Layer - Compression bandage
for protection and anti-shear properties

- Anti-Shear (Optional) - An additional
anti-shear layer is sometimes used
Do not let Dakins Solution, petroleum-based
products, e.g., Xeroform, or enzymatic debridement agents,
(e.g., Collagenase), come in contact with the INTEGRA®
Template grafted sites.
Use splints or bolsters, per unit protocols, during first
5-7 days. Splints should be applied in the OR and should
stay on at all times (except when performing wound care).
The VAC (Vacuum Assisted Closure)* may be used over unmeshed
or meshed INTEGRA® Template sites, in particular, as a
bolster dressing for difficult anatomical sites or wound
beds, such as the axilla.
*Acticoat is a trademark of Smith & Nephew.
*VAC is a registered trademark of Kinetic Concepts, Inc.