- Case Study 4
Contracture Release - Hypertrophic Scarring |

Scald injury to the right upper arm, face,
and chest. It
was treated initially conservatively and had grafting
the right upper arm.
Dense patch of hypertrophic scarring on the
lateral aspect of
the right upper arm causing some webbing of anterior
axillary fold
Extent of contracture release
The defect which opened up extended distal
to the elbow joint whereas the scar previously had
been above the elbow
INTEGRA insitu at time of operation
Appearance of new dermis 3 weeks later. The
silicone was removed and thin epidermal autograft
was applied.
One week post-grafting. Appearance of the
flexed elbow shows the roll up of the underlying
One year post-op. The patient could detect
light touch, pinprick and hot and cold temperature
distinction in the
area of reconstructed skin.
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