A 62-year-old African American
female with HIV and a chief complaint of a venous
stasis ulceration was treated for approximately
6 years with compression dressings, various wound
dressings, and skin grafts
Following vein ablation surgery,
the patients venous stasis ulcer was debrided
down to the superficial fascia level
INTEGRA Bilayer Matrix Wound
Dressing is cut to shape and stapled to the wound
Following application of the graft,
a silver impregnated dressing was used to cover
the wound
At two weeks, the dermal tissue
is seen growing through
the pie crusted silicone layer
At three week post-op
After removal of the silicone,
a split-thickness skin graft was utilized to cover
the remodeled wound
At approximately 6 months post-op,
the patient is fully recovered without ulceration
Courtesy of:
Dave Granger D.P.M., Kevin Roberts D.P.M., Richard Jay
D.P.M., Mark Mantell M.D., Paul Glat, M.D.
The Graduate Hospital Wound Care Center, Philadelphia,
PA 19146