Traumatic degloving
calcaneal fracture |

A 40-year-old white male patient
experienced a traumatic degloving calcaneal fracture
while at work. The calcaneus was reduced at a local
trauma center, while a plastic surgeon was consulted
to manage the degloved skin. An attempt was made
to salvage as much of the remaining skin as possible
Application of a wound VAC to
the remaining exposed tissue. One month later, the
patient was taken to the operating room for debridement
of all non-viable skin
Application of INTEGRA
Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing
Three weeks after application
of INTEGRA Bilayer
Matrix Wound Dressing, a split thickness
skin graft was applied
Currently, more than four months
post skin graft, the patient
is full weight bearing without breakdown of the
Courtesy of:
Dave Granger D.P.M., Kevin Roberts D.P.M., Richard Jay
D.P.M., Mark Mantell M.D., Paul Glat, M.D.
The Graduate Hospital Wound Care Center, Philadelphia,
PA 19146