Trans-Metatarsal Amputation |

This patient is an 82-year-old
white male who burned himself while attempting to
soak his foot (in boiling water). He sustained a
severe burn that resulted in gangrenous changes
to all digits and instep, while sparing the ball
of the foot
Following bypass surgery, a guillotine
type trans-metatarsal amputation was performed
Without a viable plantar flap,
the patient needed anterior skin coverage over exposed
tendon and bone. INTEGRA
Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing was applied
over the exposed tissue
Application of a split thickness
skin graft three weeks later
One month later, the patient was
ambulating in a darco wedge shoe. Four months post
op, the patient was seen in the hospital for unrelated
medical reasons, ambulating without problem. The
skin over the TMA site was not adhered to the underlying
tissues, allowing a reduction of surface tension,
possibly aiding in the prevention of breakdown at
the amputation site
Courtesy of:
Dave Granger D.P.M., Kevin Roberts D.P.M., Richard Jay D.P.M.,
Mark Mantell M.D., Paul Glat, M.D.
The Graduate Hospital Wound Care Center, Philadelphia, PA