Ulceration to both
feet and anterior ankles |

A 62-year-old African American
female was referred to the wound care center with
ulceration to both of her feet and anterior ankles
The wounds were previously treated
with operative debridements, followed by wound VAC
application. Initial treatment at our center
included debridement of the wounds with incisional
skin biopsy,
followed by application of a split thickness skin
graft. The right foot
healed uneventfully, while the left skin graft did
not take
The pathology report suggested
the etiology to be vasculitis (unidentified type).
At this point, tendons were exposed in
the wound, and the decision was made for further
debridement with excision of the tendons
Application of INTEGRA
Bilayer Matrix Wound Dressing. Three weeks
later, the dressing had taken and was flush with
the skin
A split thickness skin graft was
again attempted
On second attempt, the skin graft
had taken, and healed uneventfully
Courtesy of:
Dave Granger D.P.M., Kevin Roberts D.P.M., Richard Jay D.P.M.,
Mark Mantell M.D., Paul Glat, M.D.
The Graduate Hospital Wound Care Center, Philadelphia, PA