A 65-year-old woman with Wegener's
granulomatosis and - related pulmonary disease developed
an Achilles ulcer. A period of wound care and stabilization
of disease induced some "granulation tissue",
a proliferative wound module, and indicative of
wound healing competence. However, because of tendon
shearing, this wound cannot heal easily, even in
a healthy person, and with active disease, risks
to wound and patient are high.
In surgery, the wound was excised,
and the tendon was decorticated until only healthy
fibers remained. The blue lines are the design for
a reverse sural nerve flap and donor site skin grafts,
considered then rejected in favor of utilizing Integra.
Integra is shown here incorporated
into the wound and ready for skin graft
Two months later, the tendon is
healed and stable
Cases Courtesy of:
Marc E. Gottlieb, M.D., Jennifer Furman
Journal of Burns and Wounds, Vol 3, #2